• Cami Gonzalez

    Cami is a wildly talented, multi-media creative. Her art and her writings are unequivocally unique and vibrant as herself.

  • Kevin Vanderzel

    Architect, author, designer, artist, sea foam shaper, intentional mystic, the list goes on and on. Kev’s always busy dipping his feet in new waters, while refining his experience as a whole and inspiring others to do so as well.

  • Scott Smith

    Sea-foam-shaper, musician, multi-faceted artist and and in general a creative powerhouse, Scott’s mysto tendencies are an enigma to many.

  • Quint Hubbard

    Philosopher, artist, and radically authentic, Quint is confronting the very nature of our existence head on, while documenting his & other’s timeless experiences along the way.

  • Anna Fusco

    A prolific writer and artist, Anna is a very special human who lives and breathes humility and authenticity.

  • Malik Miko Thorne

    Someone the community looks up to from every angle, Malik is the epitome of authenticity, kindness, community, and style.

  • Hunter Ayers

    While he prioritizes his calling to foster and create a sacred space of communal presence and intention, Hunter also manages to find time to explore new art forms and thought forms gracefully.

  • Lucia Gaia

    An insane artist, community steward, and environmental activist, Lucia leads by example in approaching difficult problems, all the while inspiring artistic exploration in others.

  • Connor Roberts

    A beacon of presence, authenticity, and fluidity, Connor is an exceptionally creative, strong mind.

  • Tyler Tsuji

    An underground legend in the California surfing community as well as an accomplished shaper, Tyler is both humble and artful in water and on land - as far as perspective and philosophy go, he represents a rare breed of human brilliance and balance.

  • Nydia Gonzalez

    A beautiful mind and incredible musician / songwriter, Nydia has a voice like no other as well as a tender presence which all who know her are lucky to experience.

  • Corey Pool

    An epitome of shredding in any setting, Corey is a integral piece of modern surfing and skating culture, representing a new wave of underground legends who embrace the roots from which these expressions began.

  • David Vizulis

    Style and flow, David walks this Earth with a graceful step while creating beautiful art and music.

  • Jo Anna Edmison

    A ridiculously talented photographer, filmmaker, designer, and band manager, Jo is a ray of sunshine and excitement who inspires every human she comes into contact with.

  • Austin Gandler

    Wine maker, sea-foam-shaper, artist, musician, the list goes on… Austin’s passion and drive lead him to abundance in his creative pursuits .

  • Elle Wilson

    A tender soul and very gifted artist, Elle is someone who embodies consistency in practice to produce both a balanced walk and beautiful expression.

  • Ryan Baesemann

    A community steward, gifted writer, and father presence to many, Ryan has a heart of gold as well as a deep love for people and community.

  • Maleah Goldberg

    An extremely talented creative both in front of and behind a camera, Maleah has a wildly inspiring and warming presence that’s delightful to experience.

  • Nabeel El Sayeed

    A ridiculously talented musician on many fronts, Nabeel’s ears and mind are keen to expressions and philosophies that push the boundaries - beyond this, he is an amazing friend many are lucky to experience.

  • Chandler Richmond

    Master shaper and aquatic dweller, Chandler’s focus on creating functional art is one which bears abundance in expression and community.

  • Abe Gibson

    An underground legend both musically and artistically, any community would be lucky to have Abe, as he plays an irreplaceable role in stewarding a foundation for the next generation of expression to build from.

  • Gabriel Seaver

    Ridiculously talented musician, artist, poet, and an amazing friend. Gabe embodies a purity of freedom that is transcendental and inspiring to many.

  • Dave Shannon

    An insane drummer, band leader, artist, father, list goes on.. truly mystic.

  • Lorenzo Cortese

    A wildly talented, up and coming jazz saxophonist, Lorenzo radiates love and intention - all that know him are lucky to share laughter and presence with him.

  • Noah Boland

    A ripping multi-instrumentalist who’s versatile in any setting, Noah foster’s a music scene wherever he goes.

  • Noah Nelson

    A prodigy of a drummer and an even better friend, Noah is one of those people you have no doubt will make history along their path.

  • Tristan Wildey

    Multi-instrumentalist, bandleader, and scene father, Tristan is the figurehead of Pancho and the Wizards - a band that manages to embolden every scene they pass through.

  • Landon Smith

    Part mystic, part seafarer, complete enigma - Lando is a grounding presence who quietly wields a vast musical repertoire, amongst many things.

  • Simon Murdoch

    An underground legend in contemporary surfing history who’s slowly gaining more recognition, Simon is a humble master of his life and expression.

  • Andrew Healy

    A tender hearted mystic and wickedly talented songwriter, Andrew’s humility and presence are an example of how one ought to tread intentionally.